2009年6月6日 星期六

Thailand: Trent

Dear Fam and Friends,

We've run into an unexpected hurdle in the southeast asia trip.  Miaken, Conor, and Jentry are totally fine and healthy here in Bangkok, Thailand.

Trent (miaken's brother), the funder of the trip, has a fairly serious health issue going on. When we were in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, somebody drugged his drink and due to the drugging, he has become hospitalized. In Phnom Penh the doctors did blood tests and found out that he had tested positive for morphine and valium, which was stacked on top of whatever alcohol he had been drinking. He was incredibly dehydrated.  The combination of the drugs, alcohol, dehydration, and lying static for several hours (muscle membrane breakdown and blood contamination), he is experiencing kidney failure as well as liver problems. The doctors in Phnom Penh decided that evacuating him to Bangkok was the only solution as his situation grew worse. He needed dialysis and the cambodian health care couldn't provide. Right now we are all in a phenomenal hospital in Bangkok and he is getting the treatment he needs. All in all it was quite lucky since he got pneumonia as well on top of it. He isn't doing too hot right now but he should be fine in two weeks or so. We are thankful for the doctors advice on sending us to Bangkok. Unfortunately, I believe Trent is down about $18,000 (from our film budget) as of now and he is probably paying about a grand a day to be on dialysis. Needless to say the trip will probably be changing quite drastically. It has been a bummer of a week and we are all very rooting for Trent's health. Huge bummer but what can you do.

We talked to the doctor today about his current situation.  His kidney numbers are not improving, but expect to improve over the next few days following dialysis treatment.  As the doctor explained to me, his creatinine levels are floating between 6 and 9.5 (they are supposed to be .6 to 1.3).  These numbers represent the amount of salt, toxins, and water in the system.  The bottom line is renal function is abnormal causing the kidney failure.  His liver is also abnormal.  I'm not sure what this represents but the normal number for the liver test is below 40, he was at 12,000 and is now down to 3,000.  This is likely caused by the alcohol consumption in conjunction with the drugging.  

We have now been in Bangkok for two days and the doctor expects a full recovery.  This will likely take on the order of two weeks.  

I'm not sure if we'll be flying home soon or staying here to travel or what.  We should have a decision made within the next couple of days. 

Please pray for Trent or send him some good Karma or whatever you're into.  He could use it.  

